111 Goals in 1,001 Days – Round 2 – Denver Boudoir Photographer
The thought of doing this again is exhilarating and overwhelming all at the same time.
Back in July of 2011, Tom and I were engaged to be married, with a wedding date set in September. I was, at that time, torn between focusing on Colorado wedding photography, and being a Denver boudoir photographer. The two go together in so many ways, so I decided that I wanted to do both. I started a list of goals on July 29, 2011, with an end date of April 25, 2014 of 111 goals. The original concept is 101 goals in 1,001 days, but I had too many, and liked the ones, so I went with it.
You can read the original 111 Goals in 1,001 days list, click here.
In February of 2013, so much had changed in my life, and my business, and I realized that so many of those goals no longer applied to where I wanted to be going. At first I was disappointed with myself – how could I have let this happen? After some soul searching, it hit me that they happened because my life was moving in the direction that was meant for me, even if it wasn’t my original plan. After all, God smacks us around with his plans when we have our own, right? You can read the post about changing direction, click here.
Since BOTH of those dates, I feel like a different person, and it wasn’t even that long ago. I have grown my business to be called the top Denver boudoir photographer, and Denver’s top portrait photographer. I have my own beautiful studio space. We added a beautiful baby girl to our family, and so much has grown and changed in ways I never could have imagined.
When some friends were working on their lists of 101 Goals in 1,001 Days, at first I wasn’t sure that I wanted to do another list. After all, what if things change again? What if my list is no longer valid in another year or two? What if what if what if….
Ooh F bomb… Bad Brooke.
I have to let it go. This perfectionism when it comes to lists and being organized can be a problem in so many ways. Yes, in some ways it serves me well, but in some it really holds me back. I don’t do things that I want to do, things that I feel led to do, because they’re not quite perfect. I didn’t want to do another list because if it turns out to be invalid again, I know I will be upset about it. So here’s my plea to you – HELP ME BE OKAY WITH THIS.
Again, I went too far and went over 101. At one point, I was at 125, so I have pared it down to 111 again.
My OCD is screaming at me right now not to post this, for the reasons mentioned above, but here goes. This is scary, yet liberating – two opposite sides of the same coin that fight back and forth, pulling for my attention. Liberating and freeing wins, at least for today.
Some of the goals are intentionally vague on this list, but I know what they are – they are works in progress and I don’t to put them out there just yet. So if there is a weird acronym, know that something awesome is coming.
Family and Friends:
1. Complete a special session for each of the kids
2. Complete my own wedding album…. fail
3. Get family portraits done EVERY YEAR
4. Start scrapbooking again, even if it’s digital for yearly photo albums
5. Photo display over fireplace or on another wall
6. Friends or family dinner once a month
7. Complete a will
8. Take the kids to the Parade of Lights
9. Sponsor a child with Compassion and have kids write to them
10. Schedule one night a month to go through and print personal photos
11. Complete breastfeeding Princess P for one full year
12. Start monthly date night with kids
13. Get a mother’s helper twice a week
14. Make a batch of wine with Tom
15. Take a class with each of the kids
16. Make Christmas stockings for our family
17. Go visit BFF if she wants me to and isn’t traveling
18. Resolve issues at current church, or find new church
19. Crash holiday parties with friends if Tom won’t go
20. Plan a hangout day with my Dad
21. Come up with date night questions for dates with Tom
22. Dance with Tom, all dolled up, to Thinking Out Loud
23. Do freezer meals to have a month’s worth of dinners done
24. Take a small trip with each child, individually
25. Have a caricature drawn with the four of us – update!
26. Set up Denver boudoir photographer session bucket list and do at least 5 shoots from that list
27. Promo video online, blogged, and homepage
28. Feature favorite people monthly in blog posts
29. Blog about photographers that inspire me
30. 2 large professionally styled shoots per year
31. Relauch BSP branding with all new materials
32. Launch new site and project: BSU
33. Reach out consistently to past clients and fans, twice a month for a year
34. Blog consistently, at least once a week, for a year
35. Write the articles I really want to write, but am afraid to write
36. Take a retreat for business planning and dreaming, away from home
37. Video at least 10 sessions
38. Launch new Denver boudoir photographer connection program in 2016
39. Launch new DPIO program in 2016
40. Launch PB
41. Connect with at least 10 new businesses and grow their business
42. First BSPR, local
43. Guest post somewhere
44. 7 day challenge neuro science
45. Grow Cozy to at least 500
46. Second BSPR, national
47. Finish 15 business books
48. Set up a special studio set
49. Complete more fine art portrait, retouching, textures, and printing
50. Move forward with BSU and LYSC, and mentoring
51. Make a list of party ideas and host monthly events
52. Get updated headshots of myself every year – don’t wait!
53. Start submitting for publication again, get published in 5 different places
54. Have cocktails or lunch with someone that I want to get to know better, every month
55. Set up system for portfolio and image tagging with all released images (revisit workflow)
56. Put up swing!
57. Another video with interview and more information
58. Keep track of expenses and mileage monthly, without rushing at the end of the year
59. Go to the four corners and get a photo I can keep
60. Go to Iceland
61. Girls trip with BFF
62. Go on a hot air balloon ride
63. Ghost tour at the Stanley
64. Weekend away every year with Tom, without kids
65. Continue our Breckenridge in September tradition
66. Family cruise with all 4 of us out of SJU
67. Go to NYC for tree lighting and my birthday
68. Swim with a whale shark
69. Get scuba certified and dive somewhere
70. See Northern or Southern lights
71. Visit a state I’ve never been to
72. Go on a road trip
73. Mine for sapphires in Montana at Gem Mountain
74. Go to the cleanest lake in the world in Montana
75. Be active for 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week, for 2 weeks straight
76. Try flotation, and if I love it, do it weekly
77. Once a month do something just for me – not work, not family
78. Work with Rheumatologist to figure this stuff out… do not give up!
79. Take a yoga class with someone else
80. Do a Zumba or other class (dance?) at least once a month (average) for a year
81. Set up specific morning routine that includes exercise and breakfast (habits take 21 days!)
82. Make a list of 20 things I like about myself (holy moly this is hard)
83. Set up monthly retirement contribution
84. Set up side investment account
85. Pay off credit cards
86. Purchase a house, if not by the end (damn market) have a huge down payment and credit ready to purchase
87. Complete goal of dollar amount in each account
88. Do a spontaneous pillow fight run
89. Finish 15 personal books that are for FUN
90. Make crispy chili rellenos
91. Get a tower garden
92. Home station and control journal
93. Figure out a way to incorporate music back into my life – get a piano, sing at church?
94. Help someone achieve something on their list of goals
95. Attend or host a Derby party
96. Receive cards from 20 different countries through Postcrossing
97. Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days are over
98. Revisit this list once a year to change as necessary
99. Laser tag in gowns with girlfriends
100. Art class!
101. Use the telescope at least 10 times
102. Take a photo from each season of the same scene and frame them together
103. Create a happy moments jar for a year, and read them all on my next birthday
104. Do the homeless breakfasts again, at least 5 times
105. Try the Russian massage where they beat you with a branch
106. Make carmelitas
107. Hire consistent housekeeper
108. Attend a Messiah sing along
109. Move old home movies to digital media
110. Put together photos for the world map when we have our house
111. Attend a TED talk
I’m excited, and a little terrified, to see where this list leads me in the next 1,001 days. This list starts December 15, 2015, and ends September 11, 2018 – time to accomplish a ton, yes? Look out world, this Denver boudoir photographer is going to take the next 1,001 days by storm! ;)
Every post is better with a photo, so I leave with a photo of one of my beautiful clients that wanted the perfect holiday gift for her husband. What is better than a little gift of sexy, wrapped up underneath the tree, right ladies? The light is changing like crazy in my studio right now with the changing seasons, and it is SO much fun to play with. The dramatic lighting makes for some amazing black and white images!
Ready to book your session!? I’m excited! Click here to contact me and get more information about booking your session with me!
I am so privileged to be a top Denver boudoir photographer! My clients’ privacy is a top priority for these intimate portraits. Any and all boudoir images that are posted have been shared by the subject with written permission. I am honored that my clients choose to share their images with the world, and talk about their experiences with those images.
A new list, not necessarily for the new year. 1,001 days is a long time, what can YOU get accomplished in that… https://t.co/ApcBqqdqAa
I need to finish mine! #7 just did that it was such a relief to get it done!
This list both overwhelmed and excited me to make my own list. Look forward to seeing some of your photography projects this year!
This is awesome and I love how you’ve organized your goals into different parts of your life. Can’t wait to see how you do!
Wow, Brooke! Those are awesome! You inspired me to actually WRITE my goals down!
Wow, this is motivation to set my own goals past: I want to go to the gym and I want to eat healthier! I can’t wait to see all that is in store for your business and in your personal life! Cheers to 2016!
I’d like to hear about the Russian massage :) Here’s to striving for goals, even if they change along the way!
Ummm your list just made my day! I might have to steal a few of your ideas :D
This is amazing. I love this.