Instagram Top 9 2018 | Best Denver Boudoir Photographers
I feel like I am perpetually apologizing for blogging later than usual, so I’m just going to stop apologizing and just accept it. Because you all know me and understand, right? As one of the best Denver boudoir photographers, life gets CRAZY and my family comes first, my clients come second, and blogging comes… I don’t even know. Fourth?
Part of being excited for the new year for me means looking at last year. Yes, I did the Top 9 thing a couple of months ago, but am just getting around to sharing it. Truth – I have been walking around in a bit of a fog this year, and looking at my amazing clients’ images and stories helps me to come out of the fog and smile. Huge. The 2018 Annual Roundup is coming, so as a kind of teaser to that, I figured the Instagram Top 9 for 2018 would be a good start.
One thing I noticed from 2017 to 2018 is that in 2018, ALL of my top images and videos are of my gorgeous clients. They’re NOT me – which is kind of surprising, based on 2017’s results. So either I’m not showing myself as much on Instagram, which is entirely possible, or you all just want to see my amazing clients – which is highly probable. Either way, looking at the top 9 reminds me of the memories and stories behind each image.
The women who were nervous and pretty much SURE that they would never look like the women on my website. The brides that are excited for this awesome time in their lives, and wanted to create something for their fiances. The moms of teenagers who said “No WAY, that’s not me!” Yep… yes it definitely is.
One of them is a video that was a favorite from my sparkle sessions, because yay sparkles!
There is a story behind every image that I create, and while I can’t always share those stories because they aren’t mine to share, every time I’m reminded of them, it blows me away.
I think that sometimes we see so many photos now, especially with social media, that we see those people but don’t really SEE them. We don’t really know the story behind the photo, or what is going on in their lives right now.
There are so many stories behind photos that we will never know, and with that in mind, I wanted to add in a quick reminder into this post, to be kind. It’s very easy to judge someone because of what we see, but the reality is that we are seeing just the tip of the iceberg, likely curated and shown intentionally for a purpose. We don’t always see or know everything. Kindness is ALWAYS a win.
So with that I present to you the 2018 top nine photos from Instagram, based on likes. One of these is actually a video, and it looks funny without having it play all the way, so I’m including the video here – because the full effect is so much more fun!
Ready to book your session!? I’m excited to work with you! Click here to contact me and get more information about booking your session with me!
I am so privileged to be one of thebest Denver boudoir photographers! My clients’ privacy is a top priority for these intimate portraits. Any and all boudoir images that are posted have been shared by the subject with written permission. I am honored that my clients choose to share their images with the world, and talk about their experiences with those images.
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