Denver Boudoir Photographer – A Boudoir Valentine!

For a Denver boudoir photographer, Valentine’s Day really starts back in December. I have unofficially deemed January “boobie month” because of the number of boudoir sessions that I do so that my gorgeous clients can surprise the people they love!

It is interesting to me how EVERYONE becomes a boudoir photographer in January or February. Photographers that have never done boudoir decide that it would be a great idea, and the reality is that boudoir requires some skills that don’t necessarily come from other types of photography. Every year I watch them, and smile, knowing how much I adore my clients and strive to empower women ALL YEAR – not just before the Lover’s Holiday.

Boudoir is a powerful gift, and it’s not just a gift for someone else. Admittedly, it starts out that way for most of my clients, but it is truly a gift for you. A gift of loving yourself enough to do something amazing for YOU.

This is actually an entirely separate blog post that will come soon, but it bears discussion right now as well. Today is the Lover’s Holiday – the day of stuffed animals, flowers, chocolates. I am a romantic, and love those things too – add some diamonds in there and I’m totally smitten. But in the end, Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be for couples. The most important love that you can ever have is the love for yourself. Not loving yourself as you imagine you will look when you lose 10 pounds, or love for yourself when you reach a specific goal. Loving yourself right now, as you are, with all of your perceived flaws. YOU are beautiful, as you are, because true beauty has nothing to do with what you look like, or the number on the scale. True beauty comes from serving and loving others.

Whether you are single or attached on this holiday, whether you love the day or absolutely loathe it – take a few minutes, give yourself a break, and think about three things that you really like about yourself. Smile, and have a few minutes of accepting yourself as you are. :)

Happy Valentine’s Day from our team at Brooke Summer Photography!

denver-boudoir-photographer, valentines-boudoir, sexy-valentines-gifts, denver-boudoir-photos


Ready to book your session!? I’m excited! Click here to contact me and get more information about booking your session with me!

If you’d like to have more information about what the heck is going on with sessions, parties and more, click here to grab my Denver boudoir photography guide – How to Look Amazing in Photos. It has tips and tricks to help you look amazing in photos – whether your clothes are on or off – and avoid having to untag yourself in a social media photo again. Or, just laugh with me at various shenanigans and get early access to events, model calls, and awesome goings-on. Either way, come join the list. We have cocktails.

I am so privileged to be a top Denver boudoir photography specialist! My clients’ privacy is a top priority for these intimate portraits. Any and all boudoir images that are posted have been shared by the subject with written permission. I am honored that my clients choose to share their images with the world, and talk about their experiences with those images.

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