Well hello there, amazing people – looking for some amazing boudoir Christmas gifts?

Note that I did NOT say that Christmas gift had to be for someone else, just sayin’.

Every year in September, the rest of the year is looking pretty darn full. And every year around December 20th, I have people that call me asking for a session to give photos as a Christmas gift. Because boudoir Christmas gifts are HOT – no argument there for sure. But I do want you to know that these things take TIME, and if you call me on December 20th I will likely be with my family making Christmas cookies and tell you how about Valentine’s Day, or a gift card?

WOW we are coming out of quite the chaotic times right? At least I hope we are coming out of it, is anyone else DYING to travel right now?

How about we start with the same meme that I share in every holiday deadline post – because I love it, and you can guess which one I am.

November 1 is the official date in my home where Christmas stuff can go up, and I DON’T CARE what the haters say. Who’s with me?

Random observation: how does it happen that those of us who are SUPER EXCITED about holidays are usually paired with the people on the right…


Okay let’s talk Boudoir Christmas gifts, because there are a few options, and who doesn’t love some options, right?

A quick note – if you don’t celebrate Christmas, you are ABSOLUTELY WELCOME in my studio, and we can chat to adjust the deadlines based on your holiday! Most of my clients celebrate Christmas so that is what we look at when it comes to dates, but if you’re wondering about your holiday, contact me and we’ll chat.

FIRST – you can gift YOURSELF the full experience, and then have the photos as a reminder that you’re hot.

SECOND – you can gift YOURSELF the full experience, and wrap up the photos as a holiday gift for a lucky special someone.

THIRD – you can get a lucky special someone a GIFT CARD that they can put towards their own experience.

FOURTH – you can gift YOURSELF the full experience and have a ball, have gorgeous photos as a reminder that you’re amazing, and tell a special someone that you did their holiday shopping for them and this is what they got you.

So how do we go about confirming any of these options?

First up – gift cards. If you’d like to drop a hint to someone you love, I do have gift cards available – you can send them more information and a note with the gift card page which is accessible by clicking here.

If someone you love has been telling you they’ve wanted to do a session – IT’S TIME.

top-colorado-boudoir-photographer, sexy-photos-for-christmas-colorado-denver

If you’re ready to gift yourself a session and want to confirm it, you can email me at hello@brookesummer.com or click here to fill out the contact form. Spoiler alert – if you use the form, you’ll get information automatically instead of waiting for me to be done at my kid’s school today.

I opened up a few more spots, and I only have FOUR sessions left for holiday delivery through the end of this year.

Yup – you read that right, only four spots left for holiday delivery. These boudoir Christmas gift spots are limited – so don’t wait!

And just in case you haven’t read the details on when to book your session and you aren’t sure how long it actually takes to get everything ready for that final delivery,

Calling me on December 20 and wanting an album before Christmas will be a phone call that could end in holiday heartbreak.

The best things in life take time, am I right?


I say this every year – for 12 years now – and every year I get those last minute requests. Don’t wait and book your session NOW, so that you can get in before those spots are filled.

BRAND NEW and perfect for boudoir Christmas gifts –

Same Day Reveals & Ordering appointments are the FASTEST.

This means that you come in for your session in the morning, and have your reveal & ordering appointment in the afternoon. We still have to work with the printers for anything printed, but digital images can be taken home THAT DAY. So how the heck do you get a same day reveal? The ONLY way to have a same day reveal is to pre-pay for your collection ahead of time, and choose that option as one of your bonuses. What? You didn’t know that’s an option? I haven’t written about it yet but have been doing it for about a year now and my clients LOVE it! If you want more information, click here to contact me and book your session.


The studio will be closing for the holidays on Friday, December 17th.

The studio will reopen on Monday, January 3rd to get started on those Valentine’s sessions.

Standard Sessions:

To guarantee delivery for that boudoir Christmas gift before Christmas for our full range of printed products WITHOUT additional rush fees, your session needs to be booked and completed by Friday, November 12th. Your reveal must be completed by Friday, November 26th – and because that is Thanksgiving week, I would HIGHLY advise you not to wait that long, as it will be a packed week.

Rush Sessions/Same Day Reveals:

To guarantee delivery before Christmas for a same day reveal with the limited printed products, your session and same day reveal needs to be booked and completed by December 3. (Pending additional lab restrictions or deadlines.)

Digital Sessions:

Digital images are definitely the FASTEST option. For standard sessions, they can be taken home at the time of the reveal & ordering appointment, for same day reveals they can go home the SAME DAY as your session! If you opt to gift digital images with a standard session, your session will need to be booked and completed by Friday, December 10th. If you opt to gift digital images with a same day reveal & ordering appointment, you have until Friday, December 17th.

WHEW – that was a lot right?
I know that Halloween is even here yet and you may not even want to THINK about the holidays yet, but they will sneak up on you faster than you think.

Ready for a day of pampering and feeling badass in the midst of the holiday season? Click here to book your session!

Ready to book your session!? Or maybe you just have questions about boudoir Christmas gifts. Either way, I’m excited to work with you! Click here to contact me and get more information about booking your session with me!

If you’d like to have more information about what the heck is going on with sessions, parties and more, click here to grab my Denver boudoir photography guide to Christmas gift ideas in Denver and MORE – How to Look Amazing in Photos. It has tips and tricks to help you look amazing in photos – whether your clothes are on or off – and avoid having to untag yourself in a social media photo again. Or, just laugh with me at various shenanigans and get early access to events, model calls, and awesome goings-on. Either way, come join the list. We have cocktails.

I am so privileged to be a top Denver boudoir photography specialist! My clients’ privacy is a top priority for these intimate portraits. Any and all boudoir images that are posted have been shared by the subject with written permission. I am honored that my clients choose to share their images with the world, and talk about their experiences with those images.

Are you a photographer that needs help with your business? A super hot business resource for photographers and creative business owners is here! Click here to get more information!