It’s been awhile since I’ve done a Manic Monday post. Life has been… well… I don’t really know how to say it. A ton of things are changing and will continue to change for the next few months, my focus is shifting. In a GOOD way, not a bad way. :)
So how about some randomness?
Here’s a public service announcement for you. If you find yourself, on a Sunday evening, craving sugar cookies but don’t feel like making them from scratch, and happen to have some sugar cookie dough left from Easter in the fridge that says Best By May 2011, it will not kill you. I mean, this is what I’ve heard. I would NEVER cook something six months past the expiration date. Ha! Actually if my mother reads this she’s going to freak because I’m always giving her a hard time about the expiration date of things in her cupboards. I mean really, who has LIGHT corn syrup that is BLACK because it’s older than YOUR OLDEST DAUGHTER IN HER 30’S?! Gross. But anyway, the cookies were wonderful. A little overcooked in my little convection oven, but still good. And we’re all still alive today. It looked okay, smelled okay, and was wrapped tightly. Plus, I figure that the pre-made stuff has so many preservatives in it, it would probably last through nuclear fallout and still be good. So I had sugar cookies and hot chocolate last night. Yum.
Speaking of baking, Thanksgiving was full of TONS of yumminess for our family! Maybe even, dare I say it… too much! There was some confusion about the times of our Thanksgiving dinners – yes, two dinners – this year so we had quite a bit to eat. No complaints though! Well not until we had aching bellies later. I made this awesomeness, Four Layer Pumpkin Cake.
And yes, I took that photo, it’s not from the website. It looks yummy right? And it WAS! The nice thing about it is that it was very light – it looks rich, but it wasn’t the kind of rich that made you feel blah after eating it. It was delicious!
It’s been so beautiful here that I haven’t really made a ton of comfort food, although I’m thinking it’s time for some chicken pot pie. Aww yeah!
Happy Monday internet!