2023 All Bodies Pool Party – IT’S A WRAP! | Best Denver Boudoir
Real talk: I’ve been called the Boudoir Queen of Colorado, Colorado’s best boudoir photographer, the best Denver boudoir photographer, and pretty much everything in between, and yet I STILL STRUGGLE with insecurity.
If you’re here to see photos and you’re like what the heck, boudoir photographer? Click here to see some of my work and galleries.
Why do we do this to ourselves? I know I’m not alone.
Even when we know we are not only proficient, but BADASS at whatever it is we do, we still question ourselves.
An All Bodies Pool Party is something that I’ve wanted to do for YEARS now, and it just never worked out. And this year, up until about 10 minutes into it, I wasn’t sure if this was going to work out either.
Thank you, Colorado weather.
I had intentionally kept this pool party somewhat small, only 40 tickets were available, and 34 sold. I didn’t want it to be huge, I wanted everyone to have a chance to chat and hang out together, and not have the blaring music where you can’t even hear someone talking. As the best Denver boudoir photographer – okay I’m going to own it – the events that I’ve planned in the past were completely photo-centric. Which makes sense, right?
I wanted this one to be different. OF COURSE I hired a photographer – because, duh – but I knew that it wasn’t going to be posing, hair and makeup, or a studio production. I was ready!
And when I pulled up to the venue and parked out front, it was pouring rain.
It was at that moment that I was glad I had made the executive decision to not wear makeup – because I was going to be in the water anyway – and it served me well when tears were threatening to fall too.
I was frantically texting all of the attendees to ask about an hour ahead of start time – do we want to stay at the pool, or go to the studio and have a fun evening together there? Never mind the fact that other factors would have made that logistically difficult – I was determined to not let this rain destroy the evening.
In the end, the lightning cleared, and while it was somewhat chilly, we still had a great evening. Several people weren’t able to join us, back to school germs were REAL in August, but we laughed and had a ton of fun, weather be damned.
Realistically, before the event, anything that could go wrong, did. But about 15 minutes before the official start time, everything seemed to fall into place, and looking at these photos to choose 80ish for this article brought back tears of joy.
Unicorn & flamingo floaties, helpers bringing us drinks directly to the pool to rest on the drink floaties that were an impulse buy that ended up being a hit, delicious food, weird doily things that were another impulse buy to cover the food, helping each other with swimsuit details, it was such an amazing evening!
Whenever something is a first, we always learn from it, right? I definitely had some takeaways from this party, and I hope to have one in 2024 and beyond, because it was truly uplifting and fun.
Sometimes I forget that the stories that I’m privy to as the best Denver boudoir photographer are not things that everyone is surrounded by.
I have intentionally curated awesome people in my circle, who are empowering and encouraging, and not everyone has that. This party started as an effort to gather the ladies together to encourage each other, and ended up being uplifting for me too.
The images are below, but I wanted to highlight this one first, because it cracks me up and I really, really love it.
Special thank you to Amanda with Pink Poppy Media for being there to capture these moments.
I knew I wanted to get a photo of us all jumping into the pool, but I also knew that it would destroy hair and makeup, and basically mean all of us came out looking like drowned rats. Because despite what Disney will have us believe – Ariel’s hair can’t possibly look like that after emerging from the ocean.
We can hope, right?
Towards the end of the evening, when several people had gone home, anyone that was up for a jumping in shot lined up at the end of the pool. We counted down, and jumped in, and somehow my boobs ended up smacking me in the face and I came out bruised and battered. But everyone else looks awesome, and this might be an image that is printed and framed for my studio.

Before I lose you in the sea of images and smiles, I wanted to say
I am truly blessed to be able to surround myself with amazing people, especially my awesome clients.
I always say that as the best Denver boudoir photographer, I work with the most amazing clients in the world – and that is NOT just fluff. I work with women who are not only working on themselves, but will help others rise up at the same time. Women who have been through hell, and still keep moving forward, while encouraging others along the way. Women who have huge accomplishments and achievements, whether professionally or just in being the best mom and wife that they can be.
Thank you so much. If you haven’t had the chance to get into the studio for your own session yet, the holiday deadlines will be online tomorrow – DON’T WAIT! Click here to contact me and get your session scheduled.
Check out the images below.
If you prefer to watch a video, you can view the images in a slideshow on YouTube here or at the very bottom of the article.