I have a confession. I’m dragging my feet on centerpieces. My mother is calling me and driving me crazy… but she’s right, they need to be decided on. I just don’t KNOW what I want to do! *sigh* I was going to do a post on centerpieces today but that’s how crazy they’re making me – I don’t wanna. Picture me stomping my foot and yelling “but I don’t wanna!” ;)
So instead I thought I would move to another subject that I’m stuck on – hair. Brides, what helps you decide on a hairdo? The weather? The products? Traditions? Because seriously, I’m stuck. I made an inspiration board (hey look at me being all inspiration-ish and stuff!) with some hairstyles that I like, things that I’m looking at. Check it out!
I don’t know why I number my inspiration boards. I like it. It gives me some structure, somewhere to go. I feel like I can say and #2 blah blah blah… instead of upper right. Numbers are awesome. That’s what I keep telling Kaden at least… who is stellar at math, so we’re going there, oh YES, we’re going there! ;)
SO let’s go with the numbers, shall we?
- I love the style of this do. I love that it’s up, but is still casual, without being pulled so tight you look like you’ve had a bad facelift. I like that it’s a little messy and fun, so that if it messes up as the night wears on, it won’t LOOK messed up, ya know?
- But then there’s hair down. I’m all about knowing my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to photos and my looks – and my hair rocks. I take care of it, so why not show it off, right? But the problem is, my hair is STRAIGHT. So even if I could get it to look this good – correction – if my hair stylist could get it to look this good – it won’t last. I’m thinking it will fall out and then look horrible! So then can I do down to begin with, and pin it up? I don’t know.
- Again, kind of a tousled, casual, updo. I love the feathery flower in this one too!
- This is different and I love it! Elegant and stylish, and just beautiful. But again, will the curls stay for THAT long, taking photos for hours, dancing, and everything else? I’m not so sure.
- I like this hairstyle but what I really love about this one is the headband. It really makes the do!
- More of that casual updo. Although I don’t care for the veil on top. Although I don’t know LoL!
- This is definitely one of my favorites. Relaxed, casual, and beautiful. But the question is, will this really fit my wedding, that is becoming a little bigger and more fancy by the minute?
- Another hairstyle that’s down, but the veil on top again. Hmm…
How does one choose?!
By the way, these photos were saved long before I had the time draining account on Pinterest, so unfortunately I don’t know where they’re from. Except for #1, because of the awesome watermark!
I think that no matter what hairstyle a bride chooses, it’s important to keep certain things handy to touch it up. And I KNOW I will be asking my maid of honor to help me out with fixes here and there. She’s picky about photos like I am, so she gets it. If one hair looks funky, it will bother me! OCD? No. Type A? Sure. ;)
Happy Wednesday everyone. If you find any super cool hairstyles let me know.