Denver Boudoir Photographer – A Quickie Why
Straight up: the past three days, I have been absolutely exhausted. We arrived home from Iceland and Scotland on Tuesday, and my body keeps waking me at 4:30am – BOO!
I have been trying to catch up and have some fun stuff to announce really soon, but I wanted to pop in and share something with you. A Quickie Why – why the heck am I a Denver boudoir photographer?
An amazing birth photographer, Monet Nicole, asked a question tonight in one of our photographer groups:
Why did you decide to specialize in what you do? What makes you love your job?
I responded pretty quickly, and just TYPED. I just let it out, I didn’t overthink it like I usually do, and I wanted to share my answer. A quickie if you will… my why. Again, I didn’t really think it through so much, so it’s not exactly something I’m going to tattoo on my lower back, but because it was so quick and raw, it is pretty accurate.
My answer:
I love reminding women that they are gorgeous, and individuals worth celebrating, NOT JUST wives, mothers, daughters, or the other roles that we play. We are far too hard on ourselves, and to show women what others see in them tickles me pink. I cry with them when they see their photos. I love reminding women of their WORTH – that they are beautiful and smart and sexy and worthy of being desired and loved and treated like a queen. I love reminding them that their bodies are THEIRS and that there is nothing wrong with being female, having desires, or wanting to be or feel sexy. I’m tired of the demoralization of women and want so much to remind women that we are strong and beautiful, that the two not only co-exist but feed each other when paired with kindness and grace.
Annnnnnnnnd now I’m crying damn you lol!
Sidenote, couples boudoir is an extension of this because when a woman sees how he looks at her in a photo it brings ALLLLLL of that up again.
I have already responded and am reading the other responses, but I wanted to share this here, and to document this. My blog is not only to share things but a sort of online journal, and this is something that I am SUPER passionate about. Reminding women of their worth is what I do – as a Denver boudoir photogrpaher for my clients, and the photographers and business owners that I work with in mentoring and as an educator.
Ladies, YOU ARE IMPORTANT. You are valuable and worth being cherished. My work as a Denver boudoir photographer has cemented this belief in my heart and soul – and I hear the stories constantly of how hard we are on ourselves. It is time to embrace your worth, know it, and LIVE it.
I truly work with the best clients – I feel like a broken record saying that but it’s true. And because every post is better with a photo, here is one that I love love love right now from a recent session. I LOVE it when my past clients respond to model calls with crazy ideas, and when Mrs. M wanted to shoot on the roof, I was like oh hell yeah! There were actually quite a few amazing ladies that wanted to, access was limited so we couldn’t do much but it was amazing!
If you have been debating a session, DON’T WAIT. Treat yourself, you deserve it, and I can’t wait to work with you!
Love & Adventures,
Ready to book your session!? I’m excited! Click here to contact me and get more information about booking your session with me!
I am so privileged to be a top Denver boudoir photographers! My clients’ privacy is a top priority for these intimate portraits. Any and all boudoir images that are posted have been shared by the subject with written permission. I am honored that my clients choose to share their images with the world, and talk about their experiences with those images.
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