Things You Should Know Thursdays – Travel is not Negotiable

A dear friend and beautiful woman recently started a series called “Things You Should Know Thursdays” as part of her bigger project, Vivid and Brave, a program designed for creative women to express themselves and really get into writing for their business. Since I have been struggling with writing lately, I thought it might be fun to participate! I don’t know that I will do it every Thursday, that seems like a pretty large commitment. (Wow I totally feel like that guy in college who was like “I like you but don’t want a relationship right now…”) ;)

My clients have shared with me that they love interacting on Facebook with me because they learn a little about me. I suppose when you’re looking for someone to take some racy photos of you, you’d like to know a little more about that person, right?

So here we go, week one, something you should know about me if we’re going to be friends: I love to travel.

To me, travel is not negotiable. It’s not a question of whether we WILL travel, but WHEN we will travel. I have been to several countries, and while I enjoy doing the touristy stuff, I also love to hang out with the locals. My favorite spots have been the places where very few people speak English, but the locals enjoy having us and showing us their country. We have done private tours in most countries, run by local agencies, and people are proud to show you their favorite things about their countries.

If you could travel to one location for a week, and money is no object but you only get ONE location, where would it be?

A happy place… the Parthenon and Athena’s Temple in Athens, Greece, with the sun rising behind the temple. And yes, this is my photo, I took it with my 40D two years ago. ;)

parthenon, athens-greece, athenas-temple, sunrise-greece